PTE External Department of Applied Molecular Sciences

In order to expand and dynamize the long-standing fruitful professional cooperation between Soft Flow and the University of Pécs, on May 1st, 2021, the partners founded a joint special educational and research organizational unit called the External Department of Applied Molecular Sciences (AMT). Within the framework of the external department, Soft Flow has established close professional cooperation with several institutes of the Faculty of Sciences

Our company facilitate the transfer of knowledge, to acquaint students with the theoretical and practical background of the technologies, methods and systems used at Soft Flow. Through the integration of the practical knowledge into education, our main goal is that as a result of the cooperation, highly qualified students with up-to-date professional knowledge will obtain a diploma from the faculty, who in the future will be able to join our R&D team and ensure the supply of talent.

At the same time as the establishment of the external department, the cooperating parties designated the focus areas of cooperation, which are basic and applied research (especially food analytical and food safety developments) and education (especially practice-oriented training).

The staff of the External Department continue their basic and applied research activities focusing on the following areas:

  • Examination of multiplex microanalysis using physico-chemical methods
  • Optimizing the analytics of complex matrices,
  • Comparative examination of analytical methods.

AMT to be represented at several levels of training; organizes lectures and exercises for both undergraduate and master’s students. In connection with the above, research topics, BSc and MSc theses have been announced. The research and development infrastructure (AMT lab) established within the PTE-TTK campus creates the opportunity to implement PhD research projects locally.

The mentioned BSc/MSc and PhD level research projects have already started, the first results are being published.

PTE External Department of Applied Molecular Sciences

In order to expand and dynamize the long-standing fruitful professional cooperation between Soft Flow Kft. and the University of Pécs, on May 1, 2021, the partners founded a joint special educational and research organizational unit called the External Department of Applied Molecular Sciences (AMT). Within the framework of the external department, Soft Flow Kft. has established close professional cooperation with several institutes of PTE TTK.

Our company considers it important to facilitate the transfer of knowledge, to acquaint students with the theoretical and practical background of the technologies, methods and systems used at Soft Flow Kft. Through the integration of the practical knowledge available on the market into education, our main goal is that as a result of the cooperation, highly qualified students with up-to-date professional knowledge will obtain a diploma from the faculty, who in the future will be able to join our R&D team and ensure the supply of labor.

At the same time as the establishment of the external department, the cooperating parties designated the focus areas of cooperation, which are basic and applied research (especially food analytical and food safety developments) and education (especially practice-oriented training).

The staff of the External Department continue their basic and applied research activities focusing on the following areas:

  • Examination of multiplex microanalysis using physico-chemical methods
  • Optimizing the analytics of complex matrices,
  • Comparative examination of analytical methods.

AMT to be represented at several levels of training; organizes lectures and exercises for both undergraduate and master’s students. In connection with the above research topic, BSc and MSc theses and TDK topics have been announced. The research and development infrastructure (AMT lab) established within the PTE-TTK campus creates the opportunity to implement the PhD research project locally.

The mentioned BSC/MSc and PhD level research projects have started, the first results are being published. According to our hopes, within a short period of time, cooperation for scientific and research purposes can become a daily practice, the results of joint research programs can even be transferred locally into development and practice.

Who We Are

Founded three decades ago in the USA, Soft Flow started with focus on biotech and software development, and later grew into a recognized R&D company. Today Soft Flow employs more than 50 talented people working with biotechnology, research and assay development together with bioanalytical services.

In 2016, after years of successful strategic collaboration, FOSS acquired Soft Flow thus enabled the beginning of a new era for Soft Flow with heavy expansion in Pécs, Hungary.

FOSS’ role on the global market is to develop analytical solutions helping companies in the food and agricultural sectors to maximize their efficiency and improve food quality and safety. FOSS provides solutions to the world’s largest food companies and approx. an additional 40,000 customers. Thus, 80% of all traded grain on the world market and 85% of all milk is tested by a FOSS solution. With the many new business and research areas, FOSS has become known for “Analytics Beyond Measure”.

Standing on this platform, Soft Flow reaches new heights in research and development and in creating new bioanalytical innovations.

Soft Flow expands on a large building plot, in an easy distance to the University of Pécs. We build completely new R&D facilities for bioanalytical innovations, and create modern and open working environment dedicated for R&D, biotech services and reagent production for global distribution. The new building will include everything needed, from offices, meeting rooms, SW development, R&D laboratories, facilities for simulations, mechanical engineering to reagent production and Service- and Quality Control laboratories for release and distribution of goods.


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